(412)-228-4243 or for Emergency Dial 911
(412)-228-4243 or for Emergency Dial 911
Sewickley Township Constable's office is looking to locate an address to send a letter to Mr. William (Bill) Jury III.
He is Not wanted on a warrant or for any criminal activity. We just to send him a letter. If you have any contact information for this individual, please contact this office. Thank You!
This office is looking for any information on the dog fount near Turkeytown Road in South Huntingdon Township. Please contact this office or State Police Belle Vernon with any information you may have. Help us bring justice to this innocent lovable family member of one of our community members.
Street Signs have been stolen all around the township. It is costing the taxpayer's money. The township has spent thousands on replacement signs this year and if not stopped it is estimated to cost over $10,000 by year end. Anyone with information on who is taking the signs or where they can be located, please contact this office via the contact page. This can be kept anonymous. Thank you!
Someone is driving up and setting their trash out at other homes. If you have any information or description of who is doing this please contact this office via the contact page. There is a limit how much trash can be set out each week and this is causing residents to be over their limit. All information submitted can be kept anonymous.