To: Serve - Protect - UPHOLD - dEFEND
To: Serve - Protect - UPHOLD - dEFEND
To serve and protect the citizens of this community and of the commonwealth, to preserve the peace and protect civil rights of all citizens of Sewickley Township and throughout the commonwealth, to protect and ensure the safety of our children, and to provide all services within my scope of practice professionally and to the best of my ability.
Peacekeeping details generally use a Constable (Peace Officer) to show a law enforcement presence to ensure peace and safety. They can be at events, fairs, businesses, civil standbys such as property retrievals or custody exchanges, or safety patrols. I am available upon request to conduct peacekeeping details within the laws governing my office.
Safety Patrols:
Safety patrols for peace keeping and order enforcement by vehicle or foot patrol, and to show a law enforcement presence. This can be neighborhoods, parks, businesses, events, etc.
Process Serving:
I am able to serve civil processes such as Summons, PFA's, Custody Papers, Divorce Papers, Eviction Notices, Hearing Notices, and other Documents.
Property Retrieval:
I am able to standby as a presence to maintain safety and ensure that you get your property without interference or threat and will keep the peace while you gather your belongings.
Custody Exchanges:
I am able to standby and be present while you exchange custody to ensure safety for all involved.
CYS (Children & Youth Services) Assistance:
I am available upon request and availability to assist CYS workers with peacekeeping for their safety when investigating or going out to a home where they feel their safety may be at risk.
Welfare Checks:
Welfare checks are usually done by contacting 911 and having EMS or Police respond to check on a loved one if you feel they may be in danger or in need of medical services. I highly recommend calling 911 for this so that EMS is not held up. However, there are those who do not wish to call 911 for this for whatever reason and I will go out if it is in Sewickley Township and if I'm available at the time to check on a loved one at my discretion if I feel it is warranted. This is not to keep tabs on someone and only if you feel there could be a danger or a need for assistance.
Home Checks:
While on Vacation or other situations where you may want your home or business checked on, I can patrol on occasion or go over at random times to check the property to make sure everything is secure and ok for you.
I will post eviction notices for landlords. If the tenant(s) do not comply, I will upon a judge's order of eviction serve it. I will return if the tenant(s) do not leave and will ensure the property is vacated and turned over to the landlord.
Funeral Details & Escorts:
I offer peacekeeping at funerals to ensure peace and safety. I also am available to escort the funeral precession with my marked vehicle and emergency lights.
Mediation Services:
I am able to mediate between two parties if the parties do not wish to meet in person to retrieve property, return property, or discuss an agreement. If the parties do want to meet, I can standby for peacekeeping and to ensure safety for all parties involved.
Emergency Response & Assistance:
When available, I will respond within my scope of practice to assist Fire, EMS, or Police with emergency response for traffic control, peacekeeping & scene safety, backup, etc. I also may to respond to citizens who need emergency assistance and police have an extended ETA, as long as police were also notified.
Breach of Peace Enforcement:
When available to do so, I will respond to complaints of a breach of the peace as I am the elected Peace Officer within the township.
Community Engagement:
Being involved in the community is more than responding to situations or paid services. From participating in community activities to stranger danger and other educational presentations for both children and adults, being a part of the community is one of the best parts of being a constable.
*All services are based on availability, must fall within my scope of practice, and within the laws governing the Office of State Constable.